LA MODE - With Sylvia Stone


Coco Chanel would be turning in her grave if she could see the hideous manner in which her once glorious fashion house is being portrayed. I recall something she said whilst conjuring up my favourite scent Chance.

"A woman who doesn't wear perfume has no future."

I understand how Lily Allen squirmed her way into the music business (she isn't the first to hop into bed with A&R men - see what it did for Dido). But I wonder how on earth she became a muse for Karl Lagerfeld.

Couldn't he smell her a mile off? Having said that he must be forgiven. We simply cannot expect great sensory abilities from the nostrils of such a frightful cadaver.

Elegance does not consist in just putting on a new dress.

I think Karl and I are going to have to go for drinky-poos and discuss what kind of strong minded woman should be the one to inspire him next.

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