CULINARY DELIGHTS - With Suzy Templeton

POULET CHAMPIGNON with fresh Courgette and Rocket Salad

This is not for the faint hearted. Its richness requires a mood for love and will do wonders to warm even the coolest of nights.

Chicken breasts (1per person)
Parma Ham (or bacon will do on a budget)
(a couple of handfuls chopped finely)
Fresh Rosemary, chopped
Salt and Pepper

For the salad:
Olive oil
Juice of a lemon
Courgettes, sliced lengthways

Preheat the oven to gas mark 4.
Firstly heat some oil in a pan, add the rosemary and season with salt and pepper.
When the flavours start to infuse add the mushrooms and cook on a high heat. Add a dollop of cream and simmer until the sauce is thick. Put to one side.

Make a cut in each of the chicken breasts to create a pocket and insert a slice of mozzarella and tablespoon of the mushroom sauce. Wrap the Parma ham around the chicken breast and place in an oven dish. Pop it into the oven for half an hour.

When there is 10 minutes cooking time left, prepare the salad by tossing the rocket with the olive oil and lemon juice to taste.

Lightly fry the courgettes until golden and season. Place on top of salad and serve with chicken breasts.

You can also add some baby new potatoes.

Mmmmm.... delicious!

1 comment:

Paul Bommer said...

I love this blog!
Bring it back
Paul xx